Last week's Daily Paintworks Challenge was to spend no more than 10 minutes painting an object. I forgot to set the timer on my last try, but basically I stayed within the 10 minute time limit for each pumpkin. It's a good exercise - it forces the painter to stay with large masses and avoid too much detail - something I struggle with.
Well, I had an awful, horrible, very bad day at work today. The only saving grace is that I believe in karma. I believe what goes around comes reaps what one sows!
I spent the evening painting. Painting is a wonderful meditation and a great way to de-stress. Of course I overworked the thing, but that's ok. It served it's purpose. I'm almost relaxed enough to go to bed.
I wanted to share this excellent blog post with you. Jon Miller, "Gemba Panta Rei" is the author. Most of his blog articles pertain to lean in the manufacturing or business setting, but much of the lean culture applies to everyday living:
A photo of this cute little girl was the subject of the Daily Paintworks Challenge this week. The challenge was to simplify the background in the photo, so I didn't really stay within the rules. She was so cute that I couldn't resist trying the portrait without much background.
There are so many types of gourds in in our local markets, and they seem so festive. The pumpkins are piled high in anticipation of Halloween. Autumn is my favorite time of year.
This is a painting I worked on last Sunday. It's a little funky, but I like the color. I've been experimenting using James Gurney's gamut masking method.
I've used it on my last two paintings and am going to continue to use it. I really like it.
I've been sick, sick, sick all week, but I had to be at work because we had a big kaizen event going on that I couldn't miss.
As a result, I'm home today with no voice at all. The 800 pound gorilla that was sitting in the middle of the meeting room has now taken up residence on my chest.
We've had a brief touch of autumn. The rain has started and the forecast is for rain all this week. We are hoping for a few more days of bright, crisp weather before winter sets in.