Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Cup of Cheer

It's been cold and snowy in Eugene, Oregon. We're not used to such cold weather. We live on a hill that is somewhat steep and curvy. Even with chains, it's quite a scary experience to drive down the hill when it is icy, so I've taken advantage of being "snowed in" to do some painting. Yes, I know, it's a shame to have to stay home, drink coffee, and paint...I'd much rather go to work (NOT!).

I'm in a holiday mood, so spent my time practicing the fracturing technique on a Christmasy painting (see Julie Ford Oliver's blog to see how a pro does it).

Here's our cozy house in the snow...

3 comments: said...

Quite beautiful - really wonderful colors and a great Christmas-y feel to it. There is a confidence in the application which means to are far more comfortable with the fracturing. Good for you, Sue.

Sue Harrell said...

Thank you, Julie. The fracturing technique really appeals to me - I like the look of fracturing as well as the process, itself. I realize I still have a long way to go, but it's an enjoyable practice. said...

I do find it totally enjoyable/absorbing, Sue, and I am always delighted when someone else does too. I can see your own style quite clearly. I have been using the technique for almost 18 months and still find it challenging.