Happy New Year! This is my first painting of 2015. I've been away from my easel for several months, and boy, have I missed it. You know how you sometimes fall into a rut and can't seem to climb out - even when you don't want to be there? That's where I've been...stuck in a rut, wanting to paint, but fearful to pick up a paintbrush.
Luckily, it's a new year and a time for new beginnings. I've resolved to do more painting in 2015. I've also resolved to paint only the things I love, so my first painting is somebody I truly love...my little third grade guy.
For the month of January, I'm participating in Leslie Saeta's 30 Day Challenge Every day for the month of January I'll be painting and posting things I love...so watch this space!
Again, I wish everyone a very Happy and Prosperous New Year.