Tuesday, January 20, 2015



This is Mookie. He doesn't need words to convey his thoughts. Clearly, dinner is on his mind. I painted him beside an empty bowl, but in truth, his photo revealed both a bowl of food and fresh water as well...hmm, could Mookie be a bit of a con artist?

Mookie was fun to paint, but the perspective was a challenge. I had to keep reminding myself to paint what I see - not what I think I see. This painting was done using Ivory Black, Transparent Red Oxide, Yellow Ochre, Pthalo Blue, and Titanium White.


Tam Foree said...

Love your little kitty! Great expression! Great colors and brushwork!

Tam Foree said...

Love your little kitty! Great expression! Great colors and brushwork!

Sue Harrell said...

Thanks, Tam!

Ruth Daily Painting said...

Love it! All cat owners have seen that look.

Sue Harrell said...

It's true - they can speak with their eyes!