I'm back. It's been a busy summer, with gardening, a trip to the Portland zoo with my daughter and grandson, painting, and so on. Right now I'm getting ready for my first-ever 2nd Friday Springfield Artwalk that takes place in August. It's the first time I've shown my paintings so I'm more than just a little bit nervous. The frames have been ordered and should arrive soon (fingers crossed). Today I'll be varnishing and getting labels ready to go. Since the paintings will be hanging on latticework, I'll need to figure out how to do that - I'm thinking those little metal clips would work. Hopefully it won't be a total disaster.
This painting is another from my plein air outing with my good friend,
Patti McNutt. We visited lavender farms during the Yamhill Lavender Festival, and we just had a ball. Patti is so much fun - painting with her is a treat!
Well, I've stalled long enough - I'm off to make another run to the art supply store...